Student Software Developers
Our goal in this program is to fully integrate undergraduate developers into our team. These developers will be paired with members of DLS to initially build skills and then work issues to advance our software.
Student Employee Policy
There is a library-wide Student Employee Policy on the Connecting staff Intranet site.
Student Software Developers are paid biweekly. Timesheet and pay schedules are available on the Payroll Cycles website
Student Software Developer schedules are tracked in a shared calendar called “DLS Student Developers”. DLS staff should request access to view and manage this calendar from the manager of DLS. The account and password for this exchange account is in LastPass under Shared-ITIMS-Passwords/DLS/DLSStudentDevs email
, but 2FA is set up for use by the current manager of DLS.
During the summer Student Software Developers work full-time hours. During the school year they work part-time when classes are in session. Students can work at other times, e.g. reading week, if desired.
Time off
Student employees accrue paid sick time and can take additional unpaid time off as needed in communication with their supervisor.
If a student will miss their shift for any reason, they should post a message in the team slack channel saying that they won’t be in. This ensures the team knows not to expect them in meetings, etc, even if their supervisor is also out. The student should follow up individually with their supervisor as to whether they will be using sick time or unpaid time.
Hiring and Onboarding
Relevant documentation can be found in the Student hiring Drive folder.
Current and Former DLS Student Software Developers
In appreciation for the amazing students who have worked with members of our team and contributed so much to our projects!
- Michelle Liu
- Taylor Yamashita
- Thanya Begum