Work Cycles

Development Rhythm

Our team works in a 3 week rhythm. Work cycles are two-weeks long, and every third week is a maintenance/research week.

The following table represents our cycle-related meeting schedule. Each meeting will be described below.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Research & Maintenance Wrap-up Cycle Planning Standup Standup Standup
Work Cycle (Week 1) Standup Standup Standup Standup Standup
Work Cycle (Week 2) Standup Standup Standup Standup Standup


Work Cycle Planning

Occurs Tuesday at 3:00 PM eastern of Research & Maintenance week. Participants are members of DLS and the product owner for the upcoming project.


  1. Review the Work Cycle Board and determine the tickets which will be undertaken in the next two weeks. Give them the ‘work-cycle’ label.
  2. If this is a feature sprint, PO will identify one ticket which is a meaningful enhancement to an existing feature for users. Give it the work-cycle label.
  3. Determine if there’s any research to be done to validate that the work can happen in the following two weeks.

Work Cycle Board: Zenhub


Occurs daily at 4:00 PM Eastern when there isn’t also a Cycle Planning or Wrap-up meeting. Participants are members of DLS.


  1. Determine if anyone’s work is blocked.
  2. Connect with the team.
  3. Find pairing opportunities for the next work day.
  4. If it’s a friday, determine a runner for the following week.

Work Cycle Wrap-up

Occurs Monday following the last week of the work cycle at 3:00 PM. Participants are members of DLS and the product owner for the current project.

We moved this meeting from Friday to make it easier for team members to take off Fridays for vacation.


  1. Determine if the work cycle was a success or if another cycle needs to happen.
  2. Share a demo if necessary, but the assumption is that product owners have been testing features as they’ve been implemented.
  3. Review the Maintenance & Research board
    • Look at the inbox to ensure any newly created maintenance tickets from running or reports are well understood.
    • Ensure everyone has tasks they can work on in the following week. New maintenance or research tickets should be assigned the “maintenance / research” label so they appear on our maintenance board.

Research & Maintenance Board: Zenhub